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Larkin added own money to campaign

November 5, 2012


In Monday’s issue of The State News, it was reported state Rep. Mark Meadows, D-East Lansing, spent $35,000 of his own personal funds — $15,000 during the month of October — on his campaign, according to campaign finance reports.

At press time, the State News was unaware that Meadows’ competitor, attorney Andrea Larkin, spent $25,000 of her own funds for her campaign, according to a report received and processed by the Secretary of State on Wednesday.

The State News originally spoke with Larkin about her campaign finances last Thursday. The report had not yet appeared on the Secretary of State’s website, and the personal contribution was not mentioned in the interview.

When asked about the personal contribution Monday, Larkin said some of the money was used to fund more television time for a campaign advertisement that already had been produced, along with other items for her campaign.

Larkin said she did not remember which day the initial interview took place or the specifics discussed.

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