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A family of fixers

November 29, 2012

Brothers Trevor and Calvin Badgley can trace their roots to a repairing shop at 304 S. Cippert St., in Lansing.

Badgley’s Garage has been located in the same building for more than 65 years, scaling multiple generations. First opened by their grandparents, the shop was handed down to their parents, and about five years ago, to the brothers.

“I learned to work on cars when I was very young,” Trevor Badgley said.

As the brothers fulfill their daily routines, they are surrounded by vintage car dealer signs, awards and evidence of their family history they proudly display to their customers.

“Most days are never the same,” Trevor Badgley said. “You are not sitting in the desk doing the same paperwork every day.”

But among the changes, one thing always remains the same: Their passion for cars.

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