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Retired admiral campaigns for Prop 3 on campus

October 14, 2012
	<p>Retired U.S. Navy Admiral Dennis McGinn talks to <span class="caps">ROTC</span> members on Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 in Demonstration Hall. He campained for Proposal 3 that attempts to mandate a higher level of renewable energy tha today. Justin Wan/The State News</p>

Retired U.S. Navy Admiral Dennis McGinn talks to ROTC members on Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 in Demonstration Hall. He campained for Proposal 3 that attempts to mandate a higher level of renewable energy tha today. Justin Wan/The State News

Retired U.S. Navy Admiral Dennis McGinn spoke to a small group of ROTC cadets in Demonstration Hall on Friday to support Proposal 3, a state constitutional amendment that would require utility companies to increase their energy sources to 25 percent renewable by 2025.

Because the U.S. depends on other countries for most of the oil it consumes, McGinn said being self-sufficient would be safer from a security standpoint.

“It’s unfortunate that energy has gotten so politicized that there is that stereotype that … if you like fossil fuels then you’re a Republican and if you like renewable energy you’re a Democrat,” McGinn said.

McGinn and other Republican supporters are traveling across the state to share the message that increasing the use of renewable energy isn’t just an environmental cause, but one of national security. McGinn served in the Navy for 35 years and now is the president of the American Council on Renewable Energy, a green energy advocacy group.

Opponents of the amendment have voiced concerns about rising energy prices for Michigan residents, as well as the permanence of the amendment in the Constitution.

Although the support of renewable energy tends to be viewed as more of a Democratic goal, McGinn said this was a good opportunity to show the cadets’ support for renewable energy doesn’t necessarily fall under one specific party.

“Depending on what your set of priorities are, you’re going to want to go for renewable energy for a different set of reasons,” McGinn said. “This isn’t about politics. Politicians may use it as a political football but it’s about our economy, our quality of life going forward and security.”

Comparative culture and politics senior Kristina Tribble said the admiral’s visit was a good way to learn more about one side of the issue. Although, she said she still wants to examine the other side of the issue to place a balanced and informed vote.

“I feel much more informed about what Proposal 3 is,” Tribble said. “I want to look into it more myself instead of allowing all of my information to come from one source,”

ROTC Department Chair Jeff McDonald said he saw the visit as a way for the cadets to get an understanding of the proposal and to learn about a different side of the topic of renewable energy.

McDonald said he hopes the students will use McGinn’s talk as a springboard for broader research about the issue and to look at both sides of proposal.

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