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International students experience first Halloween

October 30, 2012

After witnessing last year’s Halloween celebrations and having seen pictures of students’ costumes, computer engineering sophomore Zaicheng Xu decided he would join this year’s festivities.

“I’m really excited (to go out) because this is my first one,” said Xu, an international student from China. “(And) because people in America, they dress up for Halloween and now I’m in America, though I am Chinese, I have to be more familiar with the American people.”

Xu is one of many international students at MSU participating in American Halloween for the first time, immersing himself in the holiday’s tradition and culture.

As American students flooded the streets of East Lansing dressed as pop culture icons or their favorite animals this past weekend — and probably again on All Hallows’ Eve — some international students are faced with the decision of whether or not to join in the fun Wednesday night.

Dressing as an “Avatar,” Xu is hosting a small get-together at his apartment — a celebration he is looking forward to.

“It’s really cool, you can see what people like and some people like cartoons from Japan and some people like (Captain America, and) that’s pretty cool,” Xu said.

Despite the weather and uncertainty about the holiday, hospitality business freshman Xinya Wu decided to take the leap and went to her first college Halloween party this weekend, where she had a lot of fun.

Although Wu did not dress up, she said she thought many of the costumes at the party, such as the pirates and angels, were cute and interesting to see, adding one outfit in particular stuck out in her mind: Psy, the singer of “Gangnam Style.”

“Someone just dressed like Psy, the singer; it was crazy, so cute, so cute,” Wu said, giggling and adding the individual dressed in the glasses and suit, performing the dance throughout the evening.

Rania Almahrous, a first-year English Learning Center, or ELC, international student from Saudi Arabia, lives in an apartment off campus and although she did not participate in Halloween activities, she enjoyed seeing all of the young people take to the streets in costume.

“It was fun seeing people taking pictures and (I saw) a hot dog; it was so funny,” Almahrous said.

ELC first-year student Weihua Ren, also an international student from China, said this was the first time he has ever seen Halloween celebrated in general, let alone in a college atmosphere.

Ren said he is a bit uncertain on whether or not he would dress up but has some friends who were a bit more brave.

“It’s very interesting (that) Americans and some international students, they are dressing scary,” Ren said, making a point that unlike many Americans’ elaborate costumes, international students tend to dress more simply.

Advertising freshman Danny Kim, an international student from South Korea, said he did not dress up this Halloween for a couple of reasons.

“It is a nice (idea), but if I wear it I feel awkward,” Kim said. “It was too cold … I want to try someday, but not now.”

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