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House race spending increases

August 2, 2012

Spending for House of Representative races across the state increased by 17.4 percent from the 2010 election, amassing more than $9.6 million statewide, according to the Michigan Campaign Finance Network.

Republicans campaigning for state office raised about $1.5 million more than Democrats seeking office.

Candidates were required to submit financial reports to the Secretary of State last week, prior to the upcoming primary election on Tuesday, stating their contributions and expenditures up to July 22.
The candidates for the 69th district seat raised more than $250,000, most of which came from a battle between Democratic candidates Sam Singh and Susan Schmidt.

Singh has raised $136,522 during the cumulative election cycle, to Schmidt’s $95,356.

In a district that historically has voted Democrat, the fight between Singh and Schmidt likely will be the one to watch, as each candidate has earned numerous endorsements and contributions from local residents and businesses.

Republican candidate Susan McGillicuddy raised $10,345 during her whole campaign. Other Republican candidates, George Nastas and Frank Lambert, raised $1,025 and $1,000, respectively.

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