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Taking aim

Residents play at family reunion

July 22, 2012
While Holt resident Zach Burton, left, fires a foam arrow, Lansing resident Jim Case and Holt resident Lexie Morgan, 15, chat during their family reunion in Patriarche Park, 1100 Alton St., on Sunday, July 22, 2012. The family were live action role playing, also known as LARPing. Julia Nagy/The State News
While Holt resident Zach Burton, left, fires a foam arrow, Lansing resident Jim Case and Holt resident Lexie Morgan, 15, chat during their family reunion in Patriarche Park, 1100 Alton St., on Sunday, July 22, 2012. The family were live action role playing, also known as LARPing. Julia Nagy/The State News

While Holt resident Zach Burton, left, fires a foam arrow, as Lansing resident Jim Case and Holt resident Lexie Morgan, 15, chat during their family reunion in Patriarche Park, 1100 Alton St., on Sunday. The family were live action role playing, also known as LARPing.

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