Saturday, May 4, 2024

Farmers market has many local benefits

The East Lansing Farmers Market continues into its fourth season this summer. As a weekly marketplace offering residents a variety of fruits, vegetables and other fresh ingredients, the farmers market also promotes local sustainability and benefits the local economy.

The East Lansing Farmers Market runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday in Valley Court Park until the end of October. It features 23 vendors from the state of Michigan, and will continue to supply local residents and restaurants with organic alternatives to supermarket options. This market is a growers-only market, meaning only the growers themselves can sell their products. Because of this, buyers know directly where their food comes from and are face to face with the grower.

Having a local farmers market benefits both the producers and the consumers of these organic products. By purchasing from these local farmers, residents know exactly where their food comes from, and the ingredients are fresher and likely contain fewer chemicals than the same ingredients found at a local supermarket.

When fruits and vegetables are shipped from overseas, they often contain preservatives and other chemicals to keep them from perishing, but the ingredients featured at a local farmers market are freshly picked. Sometimes, the food found at a farmers market can be more expensive than that found in a local supermarket, but the extra cost is paying for fresher ingredients with fewer chemicals.

The East Lansing Farmers Market also helps to stimulate the local economy. When people purchase from local farmers, they help to keep these farmers in business so they can continue to harvest a healthy crop every year. This helps to keep East Lansing’s community closer, as it creates direct ties between the local farmers and residents of East Lansing and surrounding cities.

Farmers markets also promote awareness for consumers of what they are eating and where it came from. On so many occasions, consumers sit down at a restaurant and order a menu item with no idea of where the ingredients came from to concoct the dish.

When consumers choose to buy ingredients from local farmers, they personally know the producer and where the crop came from. Local restaurants that purchase their ingredients from farmers markets also have the ability to boast to their patrons that they are eating mostly organic items, grown locally.

Many people might not realize the agricultural sector of the Michigan economy has struggled through the recession just like most other fields have. Farmers markets allow growers to personally sell their items to residents and gain immediate compensation for their crops. This helps to keep Michigan’s farmers in business, stimulating Michigan’s economy and helping to keep unemployment levels lower.

Although it is only the fourth season that East Lansing has offered a farmers market, the city should continue to offer it to farmers and residents. Having a farmers market promotes local sustainability while benefitting the local economy. It also helps foster awareness among consumers of where the food they are eating comes from and creates local ties between farmers
and residents.

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