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Em-barking on a new adventure

July 11, 2012
Groomingdales East groomer Denise Culham shaves off some matted hair off of Dixie, a domestic long hair cat, on July 7, 2012. Dixie wore a plastic cone around her head because she was trying to bite Culham during the appointment. Julia Nagy/The State News
Groomingdales East groomer Denise Culham shaves off some matted hair off of Dixie, a domestic long hair cat, on July 7, 2012. Dixie wore a plastic cone around her head because she was trying to bite Culham during the appointment. Julia Nagy/The State News

Dressed in a dog-patterned zip-up shirt, groomer Denise Culham removed her scissors from her waistband, and wisps of poodle hair fell to the floor.

It was time for Cookie’s haircut.

Culham, a groomer at Groomingdales East, 2830 E. Grand River Ave., started grooming when she was in high school, working as a bather.

“I like making them look nice,” Culham said. “I used to say that I’m doomed to be a groomer.”

Culham said she tried to escape grooming by going into the Navy and working security jobs, but grooming seemed to be the only job she liked doing. Culham eventually joined Petco, but soon left after having bad experiences with corporate-run grooming. She started working at Groomingdales
East about a year ago and brought over some of the customers from Petco.

Lansing resident Sandy Armbruster, an MSU alumna, used to take her dog Dunkin to Petco when
Culham was there, but switched over as soon as Culham did.

“She has a way with animals,” Armbruster said. “She’s very good at what she does.”

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