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Face Time: Susan McGillicuddy

July 30, 2012


Republican candidate for the 69th district House of Representatives seat Susan McGillicuddy said she’s ready to move up. After serving as the Meridian Charter Township supervisor for 12 years, she wants to try her hand at state politics. The State News sat down with McGillicuddy to speak about her campaign.

Reason for running for state representative:
“I feel like I have something to offer at the state level, and I like to work with people, and I want to do some good things for our state. So many times, politicians get into all these emotional issues and not into things that are long term and lasting. I feel like I’ve taken (Meridian) Township as far as I can go.”

Top three focus areas:
“Our governor and Legislature have had some critical bills to help bring business back to Michigan, and I think we’re at that crest where it could easily turn around and go back the other way. We cannot afford to go back the way we have come, go back 10 years and relive all of this. Our economy won’t grow until we get the jobs back, and that’s key. So many people are underemployed. I know people cannot find jobs in their own state, which I find unacceptable.”

“When people don’t have jobs, they can’t afford to pay taxes, and the only way to get out of that is to make sure our tax structure is low enough that people can afford to live here, and more importantly, businesses can afford to open a business and afford to grow. We’ve still had businesses leaving the state. We need to make sure our tax structure is such that they will be able to grow.”

Education: “The money from education is pooled from many different pots. The trouble is you don’t have a line item for just education. I’d like us to do the fiscally responsible thing and have roads and education funded separately, so everyone knows what exactly is going to be in education, what’s going to be in roads every year, so it’s not the fluctuating amount all the time.”

Historical character you identify with:
“I love reading history, mainly about our country. I really enjoy reading about (John) Adams and the struggles he had, as well as (Thomas) Jefferson. When I read those books, I understand the struggles they had forming a new nation and trying to (help) people (get) along and creating laws — and yet trying to encourage the independent spirit.”

Unrealistic dream job as a child:
“I used to think I wanted to be a veterinarian, (and) I have nurse’s training in my background. But I have a difficult time with blood in an emergency situation. I’m OK as a casual observer, but on things like that, I’m not OK with it. That was probably unrealistic on my part, knowing animals would have to have surgery.”

Favorite thing about the Lansing area:
“What I like are the opportunities we have for different festivals and shows going on in our area. Those make the area very attractive, as well as our natural features. I would like to see the greater region work a little better at some of these functions, having more cooperative events. I’m very happy to see things like that because that benefits our community and makes us stand out.”

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