Monday, September 23, 2024

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Weekend events shine light on city

The East Lansing Art Festival and MSU Arts and Crafts Show are highlights in the city’s yearly events. People from across the state travel to East Lansing to browse the arts and crafts selection, while at the same time experiencing everything the city has to offer.

The events took place Saturday and Sunday this weekend and were expected to bring about 65,000 people to East Lansing, and featured about 200 artists from across the U.S.

Every year, the events give the city of East Lansing the chance to present itself to many Michigan residents and display itself as a key city for culture and tourism. These events bring citizens from Michigan and other states to the area and help boost the local economy while allowing artists the chance to showcase and profit from their work.

East Lansing continually proves to be an effective host for such events, and city officials have mastered how to make the weekend run smoothly. Local law officials coordinated with event security staff to ensure the event was well maintained and the streets kept trash-free. After years of practice, it’s obvious city officials understand how to handle events with massive amounts of people, and ensure safety for everyone involved.

Because the showcases ran so smoothly, city officials, residents and artists involved helped shed a positive light on the city of East Lansing to visitors.

When a majority of the student population leaves for the summer, many local businesses feel the effects of a diminished population. These shows help revitalize the local economy during a time when the city is less busy than usual.

The event gives people from the surrounding area something to do on the weekend and gives artists the chance to showcase their work to those who enjoy culture and have the means to purchase the sometimes-pricey artwork.

The festivals give MSU students in East Lansing an alternative event during a time when the city seems less exciting than during the school year. Some of the artwork might be too expensive for many students but it gives them the chance to experience something different in their own community.

Giving artists the opportunity to present their work to potential buyers is rewarding and gives them the chance to profit off of some of their displays.

It might be easier to hold this event during a time with a smaller student population, but the city should consider hosting an equally significant event at the beginning or end of the school year for students and East Lansing residents to continue the strong rapport between the city and the university. The student population is one of the main driving points of the local economy, and the university helps to maintain East Lansing’s reputation as a thriving college town.

The East Lansing Art Festival and MSU Arts and Crafts Show are key events for the city during the summer and give the city the chance to display itself as an important tourist location. East Lansing city officials have done a superb job in figuring out how to make sure the events run as smoothly as possible, and the festivals help reinvigorate the local economy while at the same time give artists the chance to showcase and earn profit for their work.

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