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Hitting all the right notes

May 30, 2012

Woodchips flew as master builder Brian Taylor sawed off part of the sound board of a piano.

Music notes rang out as Mason resident Larry Daft tuned another piano.

Whoosh, whoosh, Kyle Brown sanded down yet another piano.

These are some of the men of Reeder Pianos, Inc., a restoration center and showroom located at 5660 W. Grand River Ave. The business has been around for over 40 years and works on pianos for private clients, museums and universities.

For Taylor, who handles much of the woodworking required in repairing the pianos, he enjoys working on a variety of pianos.

“This is a pianotopia for most people,” Taylor said.

For Brown, who works on the finishing and polishing of the pianos, he enjoys the customer’s reaction to the work.

“It’s amazing that something so beat up can be repaired and look brand new,” Brown said.

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