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A dog day afternoon

May 13, 2012
MSU alum Taylor Bond, left, and biomedical laboratory sciences junior Melissa Rust play with dogs Otis and Remmington Sunday afternoon outside a home on M.A.C. avenue. The pair were waiting while their friends were grilling hotdogs. Julia Nagy/The State News
MSU alum Taylor Bond, left, and biomedical laboratory sciences junior Melissa Rust play with dogs Otis and Remmington Sunday afternoon outside a home on M.A.C. avenue. The pair were waiting while their friends were grilling hotdogs. Julia Nagy/The State News

MSU alumnus Taylor Bond, left, and biomedical laboratory operations junior Melissa Rust play with dogs Otis and Remmington Sunday afternoon outside a home on M.A.C. Avenue. The pair was waiting while their friends were grilling hotdogs.

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