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Local businesses benefit from Mother’s Day gift purchases

May 13, 2012

Zoology senior Lauren Bell and MSU alumnus Megan Murray are asked what their mothers mean to them.

Physiology senior Christina Andersen thinks every day is Mother’s Day.

Andersen and her family have made it a Mother’s Day tradition to re-plant the gardens at home, but this year her mother is in Denver celebrating a graduation.

Andersen said she is flying out this week to celebrate and get a massage with her mother.

“It’s a time to acknowledge how much our mothers do for us,” she said.

Mother’s Day also brings an increase in business to many local establishments.

Coral Gables, 2838 East Grand River Ave., night manager Bob Allen said Mother’s Day is one of the restaurant’s busiest days by far.

“We expect to more than double our business,” he said.

Allen said Coral Gables sets up well for holidays like Mother’s Day, because of its ability to serve large groups at once, with some tables being able to hold up to 16 people.

The restaurant serves brunch every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Allen said Mother’s Day and Easter are the two of the restaurant’s busiest Sundays.

Another business seeing a rise in customers is local flower shop B/A Florist, 1424 East Grand River Ave.

Owner Barb Hollowick said the store sees increased sales on Mother’s Day and the special attention given by her employees helps B/A Florist separate itself from its competition.

She said that even though there are many other flower shops in the area, her shop does well because customers know the flowers are quality.

Hollowick said this might be one of the most beautiful groups of flowers she has ever seen.

“Everybody young knows that flowers are an easy gift (for your mom),” she said.

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