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Religious groups’ absence noticed

Editor’s Note: Views expressed in guest columns and letters to the editor reflect the views of the author, not the views of The State News.

Where were the members of Campus Crusade for Christ, or Cru, and other religious student groups when the Westboro Baptist Church, or WBC, came to spread their hateful views? Members of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups consistently are present in counterprotests, but they and members of MSU Telecasters seem to be the only ones who organized any opposition Monday.

It’s admirable individual Christians attended with tolerant interpretations of the Bible and condemnation of the WBC, and it should draw attention to the lack of an appearance from Cru and similar organizations. It’s possible they had no knowledge of the WBC’s planned protest, although the nonreligious MSU Telecasters found out. It’s possible no members could be rallied because of schedule conflicts, although Cru is a large organization. Is it possible Cru and other religious campus groups simply had no desire to refute the WBC’s claims or show support for the LBGT community and students?

Clearly one can be a believer and not agree with the WBC that “soldiers die for fag marriage.” Christianity is one religion among many and consists of many different disagreeing sects. Some Bible translations disagree that the few anti-gay passages even mention homosexuality, contending that many translations have distorted the original phrases. Many Christians ignore the claim that homosexuality is a sin just as they ignore eating shellfish or wearing fabric blends also are recorded as sins.

Research also has shown sexual orientation is ingrained and not a choice. Christians who protest the event showcase the possible good of religious people just as the WBC showcases the bad; just because you view an ancient text as divine doesn’t mean you can’t support your community or condemn hate speech.

Maybe MSU Campus Crusade for Christ is more interested in getting you to agree with Kirk and writing Bible verses on the sidewalks than they are with showing support for the MSU community as a whole.

Sean Kaczmarek, chemical engineering sophomore

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