Thursday, June 27, 2024

Michigan senate passes medical amnesty bill

April 18, 2012

The Michigan Senate passed an amendment to the state’s liquor control code this morning to add a section granting amnesty to underage drinkers who seek medical help.

The bill, which was first introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Anthony Forlini, R-Harrison Township, protects minors from receiving a minor in possession charge if they seek medical help for themselves or a friend.

It passed the senate unanimously, with a vote of 38-0.

Last month the bill passed in the Michigan House of Representatives by a vote of 105-4.

ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, has been pushing for the medical amnesty bill to pass for several years, but it never had enough support in previous sessions to pass.

For a full story check tomorrow’s edition of The State News.

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