Saturday, June 15, 2024

Lab will increase assault awareness

Sexual assault and rape are severe crimes that can often go unsolved. But with the implementation of a specialized rape kit testing laboratory, these crimes against people, including MSU students, could be analyzed quicker and more effectively.

The specialized laboratory that will be used to analyze the DNA of sexual assault victims on MSU’s campus will be implemented in Michigan State Police’s existing Northville, Mich., laboratory beginning this summer. The lab will specialize in the analysis of rape kits and packages of DNA data collected from alleged victims and will focus on the influx of cases coming from southeastern Michigan.

The implementation of this laboratory will hasten the process of analyzing rape kits and evidence presented by alleged sexual assault victims, which could simultaneously expedite solving these types of crimes. This will allow for MSU and East Lansing police to crack down on alleged assailants.

The operation of this laboratory also helps to more effectively divide the work of testing these rape kits and analyzing DNA data collections throughout different testing locations in Michigan. The Detroit area currently has thousands of untested rape kits that date as far as 20 years into the past.

Utilizing this facility for speedier results also will help MSU cast a more serious light on sexual assault and rape. When the state police department takes the initiative to implement this type of laboratory in order to help solve these types of crimes, it shows that rape and sexual assault happen everywhere, including East Lansing. This also reaffirms the commitment the state is showing to solving these types of crimes.

Advocates of sexual assault awareness should take comfort in knowing the state police are investing more effort into solving these crimes, and that it will become more well-known that alleged rapists and assailants could be charged quicker.

This helps to spread awareness to assailants that if they commit rape or assault, they have greater chances of getting caught. The new developments with the lab will assist the university in moving forward against the stigma that sexual assault often can be misunderstood, clouded and confusing, and effective and immediate results can be produced from reporting these types of crimes.

The implementation of this laboratory also could help with the psychological turmoil dealt with by victims of sexual assault or rape. The more expedient testing of rape kits could help victims deal with what happened, especially when they see their assailant brought to justice.

The psychological effects of sexual assault and rape can be long-lasting, but if victims know their assailants have been put behind bars, they could have a level of comfort regarding the crime faster than before. Statistics from the Department of Justice show that one in four college women and one in 10 college men will be sexually assaulted during their college careers — this crime is more common than people might think.

The implementation of this laboratory by the Michigan State Police Department quickly will bring assailants to justice, as well as provide the assurance to victims that their assault did not go unnoticed.

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