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Facetime: Mark VandeWouwer

April 16, 2012
	<p>Mark Vande Wouwer</p>

Mark Vande Wouwer

East Lansing police Sgt. Mark VandeWouwer has rescued children from burning buildings and pursued criminals on foot, and now he’s being recognized for his work.

Last Thursday, VandeWouwer was awarded the Tri-County Law Officer of the Year by the Lansing Voiture 946 of the veterans organization 40 & 8.

East Lansing police Chief Juli Liebler said she nominated VandeWouwer because of his motivation at work, even as he nears the end of his career. VandeWouwer is set to retire from the police department in December 2013.

VandeWouwer has been a police officer since 1982 and has worked for the East Lansing Police Department since 1985.

Throughout his career, VandeWouwer said he has received two bravery awards for carrying a 7-year-old girl out of a burning apartment and for catching a bank robber after a foot chase.

East Lansing police Sgt. Scott Wriggelsworth was trained by VandeWouwer in 1994 for only a month, but he said VandeWouwer always has been there to help him out and continues to bring his great attitude to work every day after 30 years of being a police officer.

State News: Did you always want to be a police officer?

Sgt. Mark VandeWouwer: First, I went to college and started off in parks and recreation. I got a job working security at a mall and got to know a bunch of officers who came in for thefts, and that kind of got me interested.

SN: What were your duties throughout your years at the East Lansing Police Department?
MV: I was working road patrol for the last several years. I started the motorcycle department, I was in charge of field training for new officers and was a part of the special emphasis team. The special emphasis team was a drug team, and we did narcotic-type stuff. Since Jan. 1, I was taken off the road and put in administration, and I’m just trying to start many different projects.

SN: When did you find out you were nominated?
MV: About a month ago. I didn’t know I was nominated and I was a little bit surprised. I just come into work and give my all every day. I’m not someone who really brags, and I guess people appreciate that. Other members of the department work really hard, and they tend to make me look good.

SN: How much longer do you plan on working for the police department?
MV: I enjoy it, but it’s definitely a young man’s game, especially in a city like East Lansing. Everybody stays young it seems like, but I get older. I’m ready to do something different.

SN: What inspires you to keep you coming back every day?
MV: It’s just my personality, the way I was raised. When you work, you do the best, (and) you don’t make excuses. If things don’t work right, you keep working at them until you get them worked out.

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