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Bust a move

April 26, 2012

Communication sophomore Rachel Bonello teaches hip-hop dancing to 8 and 9 year olds.

Communication sophomore Rachel Bonello leaves Spartan Dance Center every Wednesday with a smile. Bonello teaches a group of 8 and 9 year olds competitive hip-hop at the center, located at 3498 Lake Lansing Road. She’s been working with them a little under a year.

“They’re always in a good mood, which puts me in a good mood,” she said.

Bonello has been dancing since she was 4 years old and when she arrived at MSU, she wanted to continue with her passion.

“I just feel like if I can share my passion with other people, it’s going to spread,” she said.

Both Bonello and the girls she teaches share a love of dance. East Lansing resident Lily Burton, 8, said she loves coming into dance class.

“She helps us with a lot of stuff,” Burton said. “She’s nice.”

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