Thursday, June 27, 2024

More library hours would aid students

MSU’s Main Library is playing a part in cutting back on students’ study time rather than providing it, and members of ASMSU’s Academic Assembly are fighting back. The library has limited hours during the weekend, and ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, rightfully is trying to extend those hours for the benefit of students.

The weekend offers prime studying hours for students, and many students would take advantage of the library opening for a few extra hours from Friday to Sunday.

Currently, the Main Library is open 24 hours Monday through Thursday. It closes at 10 p.m. Friday, reopens from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, then opens for the week starting Sunday at 10 a.m. At a meeting last Thursday, Academic Assembly members passed a bill that would open the door for discussion between ASMSU members and the administrators regarding extending the Main Library’s weekend hours.

It is understandable why the library is open 24 hours during the week. Students need to stay up all night studying or completing homework, and the Main Library offers them a place to complete work distraction-free. Students are free to meet in groups to complete projects, even into the early hours of the morning.

But the current weekend hours take time away from some students when they need it.
Many students struggle to find a quiet place to study during the weekend. Residence halls, apartment buildings and houses often are noisy with roommates who have priorities other than schoolwork during Friday and Saturday nights.

For students who want to get homework or studying accomplished, it’s a hassle. These students normally would resort to the library during weekdays, but given the current weekend hours of the Main Library, they are left without anywhere to go.

It would be expensive for the university to keep the library open 24/7, but the administration should consider slightly extending weekend hours to accommodate the needs of students.

Additionally, many students require the computers available in the library for projects or homework. The campus computers often have software and programs some students are required to utilize, and many of those students choose to take advantage of the computers provided rather than purchasing costly programs themselves.

Many buildings across campus have computer labs for students, but the hours at those labs are much more limited than those of the Main Library.

During finals week, the library has extended weekend hours. ASMSU and administrators could look at that weekend to determine if permanent extended hours are fiscally feasible.

It might cost the Main Library a little more to compensate the staff and pay for electricity to keep the library open a few extra hours, but it would be a tangible benefit to students. The administration likely will see many utilizing the additional study time to further their grades and their future.

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