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Political movements have meaning

There was a recent opinion article that criticized political movements here and abroad. While I admire Mr. Joyce’s hope for results, I disagree with his sentiments. The fact is this: Every single organization has errors. In fact, many groups assess their “pluses and deltas” regularly. To categorize any group into “purposeful and pointless” is simply arrogant.

First I will respond to these claims that clean energy is not feasible at this time. On the contrary, a Brookings Institution report stated that the green economy has been growing at a rapid pace, faster than the rest of the economy during this recession. Furthermore, the green economy is great for modern manufacturing and exporting, two sectors we’ve been attempting to spur for 20 years.

To think that MSU should not attempt a complete shift to renewable energy is impractical. Think of the possibilities for MSU to lead the way toward a cleaner economy. Not only would we improve the health of our residents and our global climate, but we would be spurring new job growth. This initiative would train the next generation of green collar innovators and entrepreneurs. So the question shouldn’t be if it is the best time, but are we moving fast enough?

Second, the attacks against student groups who have organized around this issue are unwarranted. If you walk through any major student area of campus, you will see individuals gathering petition signatures to raise awareness. They have also hosted community events where local leaders have shared the best ways to move MSU off of coal. Furthermore, they are in the midst of publishing their own clean energy plan. The fact is, these are a group of students who are organized and dedicated to a clean energy future.

Lastly, the claim that the Occupy Wall Street movement lacks a goal is false. In fact, they have accomplished a major part of their goal already. Although it is true that an organic community like OWS will have many individual opinions, they are in agreement that there is vast income inequality. Before this movement, anyone who mentioned income inequality would be accused of propagating class warfare. Now this issue is being taken seriously from many levels of government. The president’s Buffet Rule for taxes and the Michigan Senate Democrats’ 2020 Plan for education are evidence of this.

To categorize movements into simple categories like “purposeful and pointless,” does not work. These two movements have been productive, and I will support them because of that.

Stephen Wooden, political theory and political economy senior

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