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E.L. City Council to discuss financing City Center II project Tuesday

February 6, 2012

The East Lansing City Council is scheduled to discuss financing for a portion of the long-running City Center II project during its Tuesday meeting.

Public discussion on refinancing four parcels of property on Evergreen Avenue related to the $97 million redevelopment project is on the council’s business agenda for Tuesday’s meeting, scheduled to take place at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road.

The parcels of property would be used for parking related to the project.

The city owes more than $5.4 million in principal on bond anticipation notes, or BANs, for the properties.

The council discussed the issue during a work session last week but did not come to a consensus.
The public can comment on the issue before the council’s consent and business agendas.

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