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Bernero’s apology displays insincerity

Last week, a local politician made some politically incorrect statements, but his apology — or lack thereof — is gaining an equal amount of attention.

Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero is being accused by the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi and Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of saying he was “under fire from bows and arrows.” The statement made on Monday was regarding the recent opposition to Bernero’s casino plans in downtown Lansing, which would be run by the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. The tribes also said in a statement the mayor used racial slurs and profanity in his Thursday fundraising speech.

Although what Bernero said is not in good taste, it is doubtful he made these comments to intentionally insult the American Indian tribes.

Some members of the tribe believe his comments were a personal attack toward them, but “attack” might be too strong a word to describe his statements. It was rude, but Bernero likely didn’t give his speech with the intent of upsetting certain tribes and making racially incorrect comments. It is hard to believe that he showed up to the speech with a goal of making a racially charged remark.

It was more a showing of poor judgement on the mayor’s part than anything particularly vengeful. The entire issue likely would not be such a big deal if Bernero had made an appropriate apology for his comments.

Instead, Bernero released a statement on Monday defending his words.

“None of my remarks were directed toward Native Americans, and nothing I said can fairly be construed as a racial slur, despite our opponent’s attempt to spin it that way,” Bernero said in his statement. “I make no apologies for using strong language against our opponents … but I do offer my heartfelt and sincere apology to any and all who were offended by my choice of words.”

Although he does offer an apology at the end of his statement, it’s not aimed at the people he might or might not have insulted. Regardless of him saying his apology was heartfelt and sincere, it clearly lacked sincerity.

The entire issue might have been over if he had truly apologized for his inconsiderate comments. Instead, more attention is being brought to his words because of his follow-up statement.

The comments put him in a negative light, and they could have an effect on something bigger. Some experts say the chances of the casino being built are slim to none, and the off-color statements Bernero made won’t help his chances either.

Seeing the casino would be run by an American Indian tribe, insulting all American Indians is not a smart move when trying to work with them.

Although his comments did not come from a hateful place, they reveal a lack of good judgement and reflect poorly on Bernero. Regardless of the context, the mayor should not be making racially charged statements. While in the public eye, public figures — especially politicians working to get a proposal passed — should have more awareness about what they’re saying.

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