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Paranormal group discusses hauntings, exorcisms with E.L. residents

January 30, 2012

MSU alumna Samantha Harris is the founder of the Michigan Paranormal Research Association, MRPA, having experienced acts of paranormal activity throughout her life. The MPRA hosted a lecture at the East Lansing Public Library Monday night to talk about their investigations into the paranormal world.

Since supposed spirits appeared in her photographs and she was overcome with psychic premonitions during her childhood, MSU alumna Samantha Harris has been hooked on the paranormal.

Harris is the founder and director of the Michigan Paranormal Research Association, MPRA, which held a lecture at the East Lansing Public Library on Monday night to share their best evidence, experiences and theories to prove paranormal activities and spirits exist.

The MPRA travels around the state performing house cleansings and exorcisms.

“A lot of clients are looking for a solutions to hauntings,” Harris said. “We actually do a lot of cleansings and help spirits cross over as well.”

Kyle Gask-Wilson, cofounder of the MPRA, said the group treats it as a service that needs to be done and only charges for the gas and cost of the materials, such as voice recorders and white sage.

Gask-Wilson has had his fair share of experiences as well, and like Harris, his began at a young age.

“What started it was when I was three or four years old, hearing voices outside my window,” Gask-Wilson said. “(I) thought it was my sister, (and) I’d look out and no one’s there.”

Gask-Wilson said he has more recently been spooked in the group’s investigations at the Holly Hotel in Holly, Mich.

“About a year or two back at the Holly Hotel, I took a picture of an open room, and there was a mirror, and you can see in the mirror … a man with a hat and a tie,” he said. “It gave me chills.”

Gask-Wilson said there are a variety of reasons and theories as to why paranormal activities occur.

“A spirit can be here, (just) after a sudden death like a car accident, and not know they have died, or they have a fear of judgment,” Gask-Wilson said. “Or they are just coming back to visit family members, visit someone (they) have to still communicate with.”

Often, people who claim their houses are haunted perceive spirits as deceased family members, psychic medium Lisa Bousson said, who attended the lecture Monday.

Once families acknowledge the spirits, the hauntings stop, she said.

“When I walk in the home, ‘It’s Uncle Joe or Grandma Marge, they move things around or make noise in the night,’” Bousson said. “Once the homeowner can say ‘Hi, Uncle Joe, I know its you,’ very often (the spirits) will go away.”

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