Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Cleaner cars mean cleaner future

Growing up right outside of the Motor City, I always felt a torn loyalty between the jobs of many friends and family members employed by Detroit’s auto industry and our environment. President Obama’s new fuel efficiency and carbon pollution standards, however, prove these are not conflicting interests. The new standards will raise fuel efficiency to 54.5 miles per gallon and limit carbon dioxide emission to 163 grams per mile, almost doubling the fuel efficiency of cars on the road today.

By raising standards on vehicles sold in the United States, more projects will be devoted to creating fuel-efficient automobiles. The standards will create almost 500,000 jobs across the country, including 22,600 right here in Michigan. Additionally with raised fuel efficiency standards, less money will be spent on gas, and we’ll have more in our wallets to be spent how we choose.

I grew up seeing Detroit’s auto industry succeed and fail. President Obama’s new fuel efficiency standards demonstrate we do not have to compromise the environment. Instead, kids growing up in the Detroit area today will be able to witness how the auto industry and protecting our environment are not irreconcilable.

Sheelagh McCarthy, environmental geosciences senior

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