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Police report fewer fatalities

November 30, 2011

According to a report from the Michigan State Police, or MSP, the number of deaths during the Thanksgiving weekend declined from 2010.

Preliminary numbers indicate six deaths from six separate crashes occurred from 6 p.m. Nov. 23 to midnight Nov. 27, a decrease of four deaths from the year before.

Two victims were pedestrians, and of the victims found in the cars, one was not wearing a seatbelt, two were wearing their seatbelts, and it was undetermined whether the fourth driver was wearing a seatbelt.

Commander of the MSP Training Division Capt. Kari Kusmierz said these were only the initial numbers taken by the MSP.

“While preliminary numbers show a decrease in fatalities from this same holiday period last year, law enforcement will continue promoting traffic safety by reminding motorists not to drink and drive, to always use proper restraints and drive safely,” Kusmierz said in a press release.

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