Thursday, June 27, 2024

New database to help students in job hunt

Gov. Rick Snyder is attempting to open the lines of communication between in-state technological companies and job seekers, which hopefully will assist college students to continue working and living in Michigan.

The governor’s initiative would create a statewide centralized database, with a special emphasis on jobs in technological fields. His plan also likely will include an expansion of Mentor Michigan — a website that coordinates mentorship programs for youth — into the job search field.

This plan certainly would not do any harm to students or businesses. Michigan remains on the list of states with the highest unemployment rate, with 11.1 percent according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Any attempt to connect college graduates with employers is creating opportunities for both parties to become successful, which is sorely needed with the current economic climate in Michigan.

Even if this proposal ends up being ineffective and only assisting a few students with jobs after graduation, it is still helping students find a job they otherwise might not have.

A statewide database specific to the field of technology also would not have the clutter of many job listing sites. Websites such as and have millions of job postings listed.

Even though the high number of listings means recent graduates might be exposed to many opportunities, it ends up being a hassle for students to sort through the options that might not be right for them.

The proposed database also would be a benefit to companies. One site that featured recent college graduates would be a more effective way to look for employees.

Also, state companies would be seeking Michigan graduates instead of looking to other states, which would make it easier to keep those graduates in the state.

The database would be specific to technology fields and create a centralized place for companies and students, which should make the job search easier for recent graduates.

Another part of Snyder’s initiative is designed to loosen parts of federal immigration laws, which can make it hard for international students to maintain residency in the U.S. and pursue American jobs after graduation.

Some might look at the issue and believe that keeping international students in the country simply is taking jobs away from local graduates, which is not necessarily the case.

If international students are being educated here, they should have the option of finding and maintaining a career in Michigan rather than abroad, which would assist Michigan in the long run.

Snyder’s proposal, if put into effect, would be only positive news for college graduates. Whether it is opening graduate’s eyes to jobs in-state or helping international students keep their technical skills in Michigan, the initiative still would help students find Michigan companies — and vice versa — after graduation.

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