Friday, June 21, 2024

Value high in social media recruiting

Facebook and Twitter aren’t only people sharing what they’re doing with friends and family; social media also is an effective admissions tool for MSU. MSU is a university that’s embraced social media, namely Twitter and Facebook, much to the benefit of its students and applicants.

MSU should continue to develop its social media presence.

A recent study conducted by Varsity Outreach showed that nearly 80 percent of the 150 responding schools said they use Facebook for admissions purposes, — a 13 percent jump from their 2010 study.

Social media never will replace traditional advertising for universities, but it’s an invaluable entry point for students who are looking to get surface information on a school. When high school students first start the admissions process, it can appear massive and daunting. By being accessible through social media, MSU and other universities help manage the admissions process for incoming students.

On MSU’s Facebook page, students can ask questions about the admissions process and see what campus life is like for current students. It’s a little thing, but one that helps students and their families with the hectic process of college admissions and makes them more likely to look at more information from MSU.

Having a presence on social media also publicizes MSU to students who aren’t looking at MSU. From advertisements on the side of a friend’s Facebook wall or a retweet about MSU, all it takes is one click for students to be communicating with the university.

Attracting large amounts of students from a single Facebook page also is a huge value for MSU. Previously, MSU used more traditional methods of reaching prospective students, such as television and print advertising.

Although MSU still uses both of those methods to reach students, social media is much cheaper and has the potential to reach far more students.

Where Facebook and Twitter fall short is depth of information, but that might not be such a bad thing. Students can have their questions about admissions policy and major selection answered on Facebook.

But to know where the school is on the U.S. News & World Report rankings or how much a semester’s worth of tuition costs, students will have to go beyond Facebook and investigate MSU’s website. The initial search leads to information which will help bring students to East Lansing.

Ultimately, to attract people anywhere, you have be where they’re looking.

The first place future MSU students go to communicate with each other and interact with the world are social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Being willing and able to participate in that dialogue will attract many students to MSU.

It’s worth it to MSU to maintain and improve its social media presence.

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