Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Support Spartan football success

For years, I’ve claimed that if MSU ever got a consistent winner on the football field and fans’ loyalty was repaid, watch out — the alumni, students and the state would go absolutely nuts and prove men’s basketball head coach Tom Izzo right that we are a football school ranking with the best of them.

Although I’m not ready to go back on my word, the easiest way to measure this sentiment is rear ends in seats. At last year’s Purdue home finale and this past Saturday, the large, noticeable holes in the student and other sections made me think John L. Smith was still the coach.

And after two straight undefeated home seasons, the winningest quarterback and class in school history, division title, chance at two B1G titles in a row, not to mention bowl reps in the stands and major recruits in attendance, we showed up late and left early.

Full disclosure: I graduated in 2004 and have since moved out of state and can no longer go to games. There are certainly many more like me, and I am therefore part of the problem. I go to the MSU bar in Washington, D.C., which is great — but’s it’s not like being there.

Listen, I know noon against Indiana is not quite the same as a night game against the No. 5 team. But, and this makes my skin crawl, Michigan puts 110,000 people in the stands for every.

Single. Game. Please don’t tell me we need 30 years of sustained success to fill Spartan Stadium every week. There are seven football Saturdays a year: be there. And besides, there didn’t used to be anything except noon games!

Most of all, go to the game because getting a consistent winner hasn’t happened often around here (try five decades). And now we have it. For so long, the team didn’t deserve the loyalty it got. Now, let’s make sure we deserve the team we’ve got.

Eric Thielemans, MSU alumnus

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