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Positive jobs report not reason to relax

With the end of the semester sneaking up on students, for some it’s their last few weeks as a Spartan. Although most students dread the thought of leaving, a new MSU report should lessen that trepidation.

Hiring for recent college graduates is projected to go up 7 percent across the country, according to a recent report by MSU’s Collegiate Employment Research Institute, or CERI.

Make no mistake, that’s good news for college students, whether or not they are close to graduating. Companies beginning to move back toward hiring college graduates undoubtedly is a sign of a healthier economy.

The economy’s poor state might have motivated students to push harder in the classroom. When it feels as if there are no jobs available, students have to work and fight for whatever jobs are available and do the best they can in whatever position they find themselves in.

The CERI report offers students a rosier outlook in terms of job opportunities and shows there are more opportunities available to students who already have put the work in.

The competition for jobs will be lessened slightly by the news that more employers are hiring.

However, now is not the time for students to quit pushing for success. Students must continue working hard to stand out from the crowd.

Another part of the CERI report should affirm student’s commitment to education. The report showed the income disparity study between employees with a bachelor’s degree versus just a high school diploma.

According to the study, those who enter the job market with only a high school diploma make $33,000 less per year than a worker with a bachelor’s degree.

That fact alone should solidify students’ dedication to a college degree. That’s a clear display of how much a bachelor’s degree should matter to students.

Also, this report is not saying that the economy is running at full speed again and students have nothing to fear. The CERI report showed 42 percent of employers plan to hire new employees this coming year, the highest number since 2007. Not coincidentally, the economy first began to falter in 2007.

Yes, an improving economy is good for students. However, the economy still isn’t back to where it was before the bursting of the housing bubble.

Despite this CERI report, the economy will remain an issue for students for the foreseeable future. That’s why students have to continue working hard.

With finals only a few short weeks away, some students are close to getting that bachelor’s degree and finding themselves in the job market. For those students, this CERI report means the light at the end of the tunnel might be getting a bit brighter.

That alone should be enough reason to keep moving toward the goal of post-graduation employment.

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