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Game admission transfers increase

October 19, 2011

As other students scream and cheer in the stands during the MSU Homecoming football game against Wisconsin Saturday night, Jeremy Hamilton will be working.

Still, Hamilton, a criminal justice freshman and season-ticket holder, won’t walk away empty-handed – he sold his ticket.

Hamilton isn’t alone.

According to Associate Athletics Director Paul Schager, 264 students transferred their admission on the site to the Homecoming game, he said.

For the game, MSU will play the University of Wisconsin 8 p.m. Saturday at Spartan Stadium.

Last weekend, 380 students transferred their admission to the U-M game on the MSU Athletics website — the highest number since the athletics department put the ticket transfer system in place in 2005, Schager said.

But Saturday’s game might set a new record. On Wednesday night, there were more than 1,200 posts on allMSU from people looking to sell or buy a Wisconsin ticket.

Schager said the tickets, which are being sold for $30-$100, are sought after because of how well the Spartans have been playing.

“It’s the function of the popularity of the game and success of the team,” Schager said.

“There’s a high demand to go to the game for those who have student admission.”

Students have until noon Friday to transfer their tickets to other students.

Schager said the increase in admission transfers is not surprising.

“(The number of admission transfers) has shown growth because students are more accustomed to the system,” he said.
“We expect this trend to continue.”

The only official way to transfer admissions to games is online through, Schager said.

Still, students find other ways to sell their spot or find a seat in the stadium come game day.

General management freshman Josh McNeill found two tickets to the Central Michigan game for his friends on Facebook.

Advertisements for student tickets to the MSU-Wisconsin game filled the Facebook page for the MSU class of 2015.

Some students are willing to hand over their IDs as well if it’s too late to sell or transfer the tickets, sometimes requesting a refundable deposit for the ID.

Hamilton sold his ticket to the game last weekend to a friend from U-M. He couldn’t transfer the ticket, so Hamilton gave his friend his MSU ID to get into the game.

Sites such as allMSU made transferring his admission a more realistic option for Hamilton.

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“Online I feel like I can get in touch with more people,” Hamilton said.
“I have more possibility for people wanting to do a transfer.”

Biomedical laboratory science sophomore Nathan Miller posted an advertisement for his Wisconsin admission on allMSU. He’s still sick from the U-M game, he said.

Although he won’t be able to go the game, he’ll at least make some money, he said.

“I made it a priority to go to every game,” Miller said. “But sometimes you’re feeling like crap.”


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