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E.L. police department looks to create online crime map

October 20, 2011

According to the Lansing State Journal, the Lansing Police Department announced a new, online crime map on Thursday.

The map shows 15 different types of crimes including arson, burglary, drug violations and homicide. The map is available to the public, and incidents date back as far as 90 days.

East Lansing Police Capt. Bill Mitchell said a digital crime map is something the East Lansing department has been looking into for several years as well.

He said East Lansing Police Chief Juli Liebler has made developing a crime map a goal for the department.

In the past, area crimes were mapped out on large maps using pins but with ever-evolving technology, Mitchell said the department constantly is updating the tools at their disposal.

A map such as this would allow officers to go to neighborhood meetings to inform residents of what crimes are happening in their area and what solutions can be used to counter them.

The map also would make it easier for the department to monitor crime patterns and trends, Mitchell said.

“It’s a good investigative tool, and everyone is trying to get that perfected for law enforcement and for the public so it can be used as a tool to discourage and solve crime,” he said.

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