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Police should track bike thefts

I am disappointed in the information gathered and reported in “Dude, where’s my bike?” (SN 9/19) For example, how many are stolen a year? Why couldn’t the MSU police comment on theft statistics? What percent of reported thefts are recovered?

The MSU police and The State News should be aggressively collecting and reporting bicycle theft statistics. I believe that police briefs vastly underreport bicycle thefts. An MSU police officer told me that an average of 10 bicycles are stolen a day during the school year. I was hoping your front page story would address theft numbers. You only said, “Since the beginning of the semester, the MSU Police Department has taken 56 bicycle larceny reports” and “(MSU police) could not comment on how this compared to years past.” Not comment? Why? What’s the secret about theft statistics?

I have had two locked bicycles stolen from Computer Center racks. Twice I walked to MSU police to file a report. Walked because they don’t come to take your report. Not unless it was your car, purse or chair that was stolen.

The property rights of bicyclists need to be taken more seriously. A good start is to collect and report theft statistics. You can’t manage what you don’t measure. And if those statistics aren’t public, then little will happen to improve them.

Richard Ivans, Bicycle commuter since 1985 and MSU Academic Technology Services employee

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