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ELPD names two new lieutenants

September 7, 2011

The East Lansing Police Department appointed two new lieutenants at Tuesday night’s East Lansing City Council meeting.

Lt. Larry Sparkes now is in charge of the midnight shift and Lt. Jeff Murphy now is the head of the detective bureau, East Lansing police Chief Juli Liebler said.

Sparkes and Murphy both were promoted from sergeant positions after more than 20 years of experience with the East Lansing Police Department, Liebler said.

Murphy and Sparkes could not be reached for comment Wednesday night, but Liebler said she is confident in the ability of both lieutenants.

“They both have a lot of experience,” she said.

“They’re professional, hardworking, can always be counted on to do the right thing and they are both dedicated to the department.”

One officer will be promoted to sergeant at a later date to make up for the departures of Murphy and Sparkes.

The other sergeant position has been removed to save the department money, Liebler said.

The duties of the eliminated sargeant position has been distributed to other ranking officials.

Three new officers are being trained and will join the department upon the completion of their training.

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