Saturday, June 29, 2024

A rhyme to end freshman year



My name is Omar Thabet, and I am a freshman at MSU pursuing a career in journalism. I am a Muslim Arab-American from the city of Hamtramck, Mich., a town near Detroit. The first article I wrote earlier in this semester was a poem about the tragedies going on in the Middle East.

My high school football coach always told me to start how you finished, so I’ve written a poem about my first year here at MSU. Let’s see if you can relate!

Welcome to the MSU experience; the city of East Lansing. Where on the weekends the music’s going and the whole campus is dancing.

And at the same time our elderly alumni neighbors are ranting,/Because “We are not the same, I am a Spartan” is what we’re chanting.

We started the year tailgating to a football team that was great. Even though we tied, we’re still the Big Ten Champs, so don’t hate./The word “Spartans” was on our chest, so you know the teams feared us,/With Greg Jones in the middle. “WHOOO?” Don’t act like you didn’t hear us,

Our voices were heard after the Notre Dame game,/After MSU football head coach Mark Dantonio called “Little Giants,” you knew this rivalry would never be the same,/A play that shocked the whole country — even Dantonio had enough of a start,/That later in the night he suffered a heart attack for breaking the Irish’s heart!

Man, talk about passion; even Michigan got a taste of State; My uncle said it best, “The Wolverines got ate like the chicken on my plate.”

Even though we finished our season with a loss I think we can agree/That our football team is right back on track where it needs to be,

Let’s shift to reality, why we are really here for college. It’s the experience you get out of it and what comes along is knowledge.

Studies reporting college students don’t learn much from their first two years. Well if there’s one thing that I did learn, it’s don’t believe everything you read and hear.

Because that’s not true for people like me from my city, so bye fools; what I’ve learned here in a year adds up to more than four years at my high school,

Those statistics just happen to be numbers we don’t all fall under,/So make sure you hear me out like a loud clap of thunder,

College also is about having fun and meeting different people. No matter where you’re from at this moment, we are all equal,

I never knew I would meet a kid from Wisconsin that doesn’t say, “Hey, yawl,”/I never knew I would meet so many kids from one floor that can play ball! #3A Armstrong

I never knew about greek life — a fraternity or sorority,/I am a minority so don’t judge me based on the majority.

I also never knew in a city that’s so peaceful, there’s still some who can be racist,/But that’s just something called “life” and it’s time for me to face this.

Our basketball team faced it, starting the year as the two-seed,/Not living up to our expectations is something we did indeed,

This was all a learning experience, but I still give respect when it’s due; we got to witness one of the greatest guards in MSU history, Kalin Lucas, I’m talking to you,

He was the floor general, a leader amongst all leaders, we just hope Keith Appling took some of those qualities to make us all believers,/Because we still got faith with Draymond Green and Delvon Roe locking down the lane. And don’t forget about Adreian, who’s ready to bring the Payne,

Wow, it’s insane, all the things we’ve seen,/And yet I’m a only a freshman who happened to stay away from the “15,”

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Trying to enjoy every moment in life because the days keep passing, College is also about the friendships you make that can be everlasting,

Yeah that’s college, and this is Spartan Culture,/Where we leave marks everywhere we go like we need our own sculptures,

Where it doesn’t matter if you are an underclassmen or a senior, everything will be all right, Because we’re all Spartans and the only colors we bleed are green and white!

Sparty On!

Omar Thabet is a State News guest columnist and a journalism freshman. Reach him at


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