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Gov. Rick Snyder cutting ‘nerds’ out of the picture

For a highly educated man who ran for governor using his education and “nerdiness” as a platform, I am astounded that Gov. Rick Snyder is willing to drastically cut funding to the public school system.

As it stands now, the “nerdiest” students will suffer the greatest loss. Funding deficits will necessitate cutting programs and, unfortunately, honors and advanced placement courses will be among the first to go. Average and below-average students will remain a priority because of legislation such as the No Child Left Behind Act.

As a direct result of removing these advanced courses, students will be unable to compete for spots in top universities, including the University of Michigan, Snyder’s alma mater.

If Snyder has the gall to cut funding per pupil, he should have the audacity to overhaul the system. Why not consolidate the 500-plus school districts into fewer, more-manageable, effective and less-costly districts?

If Snyder is willing to propose an “atomic bomb” of a budget, why not look to more drastic solutions that will better Michigan’s education system rather than further deteriorating an already dismal system?

If Snyder really wants to make Michigan great again, we need more nerds!

Libby Caruso, MSU alumna and East Lansing resident

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