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Freshman fifteen Q’s: 03/15/11

March 14, 2011

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling to campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or fewer, at a new face on campus and his perspective of his new frontier.


1. If you could have a tea party with three famous people, who would you invite?
Charlie Sheen, Sarah Palin and Kim Jong-il

2. If you could gain one talent, what would it be?
Parkour skills

3. If you could be fluent in another language, what language would you choose?

4. Who’s your favorite fictional character?
Samus because I normally pick her when I play Super Smash Bros.

5. What’s the top song played on your iPod?
“Kickstarts” by Example

6. If you could be any animal, what one would you be?

7. If you could choose, how would you die?
A painless death at 75

8. If you had to be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Twenty-one, obviously

9. If you could try one thing and have no repercussions, what would you do?
Skinny dip

10. If you had to live inside of a Disney movie, what movie would you choose?

11. What is the most attractive quality in a person of your preferred romantic partner?

12. What’s your favorite thing to do when procrastinating?

13. What thing in life are you most looking forward to?
Money, lots and lots of money

14. What’s your favorite historical event?
The day that they found out how to make French fries

15. Would you rather have one arm or one leg?
One arm

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