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E.L. business customizes electronics

December 2, 2010

From customized iClickers to personalized game consoles and microwaves, a local online company is offering unique possibilities.

Created by East Lansing resident Mikos Jenkins, allows customers to log on and create their own customized designs for a wide range of different electronic items. He created the company in November of last year.

“I really wanted to take an innovative approach as far as customization goes,” Jenkins said. “There’s no other website really like this.”

The website features a design application created by Jenkins where customers can choose different colors and shapes to create a one-of-a-kind product, he said.

“We do whatever someone wants. Nothing is really too out there for us,” Jenkins said. “We even did a microwave ­— there’s nothing we won’t try to customize. If they’re in a dorm and they want a certain color to match their room, they can get it done.”

Jenkins said he came up with the idea after he started customizing Xbox consoles and expanded the idea to include other electronics. Soon after, he was working to create it into a business.

“I started designing on the computer and posting the designs, but I didn’t want anyone to steal my templates,” he said.

“And that made me think, ‘What if I made it available for people to design their own templates?’”
Jenkins also said Collegeville Textbook Company, 321 E. Grand River Ave., will begin selling his customized iClickers and graphing calculators next semester.

Tom Muth, co-owner of the textbook store, said he was the one who reached out to Jenkins because he liked the idea of supporting local entrepreneurs.

“We don’t really know what the reaction will be from students, so we’re going to start with a trial run this spring,” Muth said.

“iClickers are one thing you never really think about customizing.”

Interdisciplinary studies in social science and health studies senior Arielle Bryant said she decided to get her Nintendo Wii customized in pink with the Hello Kitty logo after seeing other work Jenkins had done on his website.

“I went on the website, and it seemed very interesting to me. I thought it was pretty cool,” Bryant said. “I drew out the design and explained to him what I wanted it to look like. I was just so happy when I saw it finished.”

Bryant said the entire customization process took about a week and a half at a cost of around $100.
Bryant also got her iClicker customized by Jenkins because she wanted something different that stood out. She’s already thinking about the next thing she wants to get customized, she said.

Premedical and human biology sophomore Sami Takriti said he thought the website offered something different, but he wouldn’t be interested ever in getting something customized.

“I think it’s kind of useless to get something like an iClicker customized,” Takriti said. “It might be cool for younger kids in high school or middle school, but in college it just seems unnecessary.”

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