Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Shirvell's actions reflect poorly on state of Michigan

I recently was captivated by an interview Anderson Cooper conducted on CNN with Michigan’s Asst. Attorney General Andrew Shirvell. Shirvell, a University of Michigan alumnus, runs a blog devoted to smearing Chris Armstrong, current president of the University of Michigan’s student assembly, because he is gay, and accuses Armstrong of advocating a “deeply radical agenda” at U-M.

Matters aside of why an alumnus has such venom to spew about matters relating only to current students, the fact that a public official, even in his off-hours, would pour so much energy into spreading hate about a person is beyond me.

I think now is one of those moments when we should drop our school rivalry and lend our support to Armstrong. Nobody deserves the kind of slanderous filth Shirvell has been spewing.

Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox should be ashamed his employee is reflecting so poorly upon the Office of the Attorney General; an office meant to uphold justice and the law as well as protect citizens from being bullied.

Let us prevent this incident from reflecting poorly on the state of Michigan by banding together to oppose it.

John Sturk, 2006 MSU graduate

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