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MSU candidate proposes tuition freeze

September 29, 2010

MSU students could see a tuition freeze if law student Kyle Haubrich is elected to the state Senate.

Since the government cannot control tuition rates directly, Haubrich instead pledges to propose an agreement between state lawmakers and public university governing bodies including the Board of Trustees at MSU.

His proposition states if universities agree to freeze tuition at their current rate, then legislature will freeze university appropriations at its current level. This agreement would stand until the unemployment rate in Michigan fell below 10 percent, Haubrich said.

Since universities usually increase tuition in response to a decrease in funding from the state, this proposal should entice many schools, he said.

“The state would freeze the budget, providing that the Board of Regents would freeze tuition, and vice versa,” Haubrich said. “It becomes a win-win, because parents who are looking at sending their kids to college, they know the tuition is not going to get priced out of their range.”

Haubrich is the Republican nominee racing incumbent state Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing, for the local Senate seat. Both ran uncontested in the August primaries, and will face off in the general elections.

Although Haubrich is on the right idea, his plan does not go far enough, Whitmer said.

“It’s a laudable goal, but I don’t think it’s good enough for taxpayers,” Whitmer said. “We should be increasing funding to universities. The best way to keep tuition down is not through some agreement that’s unenforceable, but through (increased appropriations for higher education).”

A university spokesman could not be reached Wednesday about whether Haubrich’s proposal is possible for MSU.

Haubrich said his pledge was inspired by a conversation with Susan McGillicuddy, the Republican challenger to incumbent state Rep. Mark Meadows, D-East Lansing.

“Every year the legislation comes out with (appropriation decreases that force tuition increases), and the students struggle to find money,” McGillicuddy said. “Placing a cap on it is something that could happen and something we should consider seriously.”

Although not a final fix to students’ financial struggles, Haubrich said a temporary tuition freeze would relieve students’ burden until the economy improves.

“This is not a last step or an only step, to get Michigan pumping again,” he said. “This is not a permanent freeze. It would be to give the newly elected state government time to pass legislation to create a more job-friendly environment.”

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