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Group exercise is good for regimen

After I graduated from high school and began college, I realized my day-to-day routine would change dramatically. First of all, I cannot believe I ever went to class everyday at 8 a.m. Second, I realized I no longer had exercise built right into my daily schedule like I did in high school. I had to figure out on my own how I was going to make exercise part of my daily routine.

I tried various things. I started running on the track, but soon realized college had not changed my hatred for monotonously running in a circle. I dropped running from my routine and decided to go to the gym. For a while, that seemed to work out pretty well for me (no pun intended.)

I liked being surrounded by fellow fitness-oriented people, all striving to reach similar goals. I called these people my “gym buddies.” Gym buddies are easy to recognize because one can see them every day at the same time, yet never have any actual interaction.

However, I soon grew annoyed at the “buddy” that worked out just a little too hard. Please note: Throwing a medicine ball repeatedly against a wall produces a sound that only can be pleasing to the one who threw it. It was irritating waiting to use a piece of cardio equipment while a girl perused her latest issue of Us Weekly at the intense speed of 5 miles per hour.

My patience wore thin for the boy who sounded like he was beating the neighboring elliptical to death by trying to eek out revolutions at a speed it simply was not built for. I needed something new.

One afternoon, I noticed a group exercise schedule posted at the gym. Some of the classes appealed to me, so I decided to give a few of them a try. The first class I went to was a kickboxing class and I immediately fell in love with it. Admittedly, I initially was pretty uncoordinated and Chuck Norris would have laughed at my roundhouse kick.

However, I stuck with it because I loved the combination of kickboxing and dance moves set to great music. Additionally, the instructor’s enthusiasm was highly contagious. I was hooked from that point on.

After two years of being a group exercise “student,” I decided to pursue the necessary certifications and become an instructor myself. I transferred to MSU and became an instructor on campus last fall. The variety of group exercise classes available to students here is unbelievable. There literally is a class for everyone; ranging from belly dance to yogalates.

I love teaching my own Cardio Kickboxing class, but also it’s important for me to find the time to just be a student in the other classes. There is no greater stress relief than sweating it out for 45 minutes in any of the cycling classes offered at IM Sports-West.

Although my hips do not move quite so well to the Latin-infused rhythms of Zumba, I have a blast participating in the workout regardless of how ridiculous I might look. Yoga and pilates are perfect for days when I just need to keep things low-impact. Got to look out for those joints.

The point is, I found the best workout option when I discovered group exercise. I really believe the format has something to offer every single person. It is easy to fit into one’s schedule — I just put it on my calendar and treat it as I would any other academic class.

(Hopefully, most of us would choose to attend a group exercise class with a tad bit more regularity than actual classes). Most important, I have found exercise classes in which I enjoy participating.

If it’s something I don’t like doing or find torturous, I know I’ll never stick to it. Exercise does not need to be associated with drudgery or something we just have to do. It genuinely can be fun. It also helps to have an instructor present to motivate and push you.

As we settle into our routines for the semester, I would encourage everyone to make group exercise a part of their routine. Drop in on a class at any of the IM buildings just to give it a try.

I started off as a student looking for a way to keep in shape and that has lead to a whole new passion for health and fitness.

The same is possible for you. Get out there, get moving.

Kristen Kitti is a State News guest columnist. Reach her at

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