Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Fans should remain for the duration of football games

We are deeply concerned about the lack of support shown for the Spartan football team in the season opener against Western Michigan when almost the entire student section disappeared before the end of the game.

This is a continuing problem, as it is status quo for many home games. We applaud those who stay to celebrate with the team by singing the MSU Fight Song in front of the student section at the completion of the game.

The student-athletes on MSU’s football team put in long hours preparing for a successful season, along with taking classes and dealing with all of the other issues of being a college student.

We think the least we can do for them is to stay until the end — win or lose — and support them with our presence and our singing of the school Fight Song. Is that too great of a sacrifice to make?

Hey, student section, show your Spartan pride and stay until the end of the game and help reward these players for their hard work.

Paula Parker, 1979 MSU graduate

Hope Parker, communicative sciences and disorders senior

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