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Freshman fifteen Q's: 09/27/10

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or fewer, at a new face on campus and his perspective of his new frontier.


1. If you could have a tea party with three famous people, who would you invite?
Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Donald Duck.

2. If you could gain one talent, what would it be?
To play the piano. … It’s the sexiest instrument alive — piano’s where it’s at.

3. Would you rather have one arm or one leg?
One arm. I walk everywhere.

4. If you had to write a children’s book about your life, what would be the title?
“How to be Super.”

5. Describe yourself in five words.
Punctual, smart, freshman, walker and super.

6. If you could be fluent in another language, which language would you choose?
German. It sounds like you’re angry all the time.

7. Who’s your favorite fictional character?
Buzz Lightyear because he can fly and he’s got pop-out wings. He falls with style.

8. Favorite movie quote?
… “I’m trapped in a glass case of emotion!”

9. What does the last text you sent say?
“ … After all I’ve done for her.”

10. What’s the top song played on your iPod?
“Hey Jude,” by The Beatles.

11. If you were the opposite sex for a day what would you do?
Get ready in under 20 minutes.

12. If you could be any animal what one would you be?
I’d be a squirrel. Because I see them running all over the place and you get, like, three feet within one and they run away. I want to be the one that just sits there. The one that, like, waves back.

13. What thing in life are you most looking forward to?
At this point, graduating.

14. If you could choose, how would you die?
Taking a bullet for my little brother.

15. What’s your favorite historical event?
Me being born. That’s my favorite.

—Compiled by Laura Fosmire

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