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Update: Ngalamulume again withdraws from race against U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers

MSU alumnus backs out of congressional race for second time

August 4, 2010

Hours after jumping back into his campaign for Michigan’s 8th congressional House district, MSU alumnus Kande Ngalamulume again has withdrawn from the race.

Ngalamulume, who initially dropped out of the race June 2, said a Wednesday night call with his father, who is in France, convinced him that now is not the time to pursue the office.

“At this point, given sort of the landscape, my father advised me to not reconstitute this campaign,” Ngalamulume said. “When I really look at it, it would be best to do.”

Ngalamulume first dropped out of the race two months ago because of a lack of funds. However, after he accumulated 26,341 votes during Tuesday night’s primary, he said Wednesday afternoon that he would reenter the race for the seat held by U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton.

“I obviously saw the votes last night and the people have spoken,” Ngalamulume said early Wednesday.

Ngalamulume ran uncontested in his party, although MSU graduate student Lance Enderle had sought the nomination as a write-in candidate.

Read Thursday’s issue of The State News for more on this report.

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