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Aquatic center hosts Splash 2010

July 28, 2010

Leslie, Mich., resident Grason Weber, 2, covers his face before walking under a structure spewing water Wednesday at the East Lansing Family Aquatic Center, 6400 Abbot Road. The center was hosting its 2010 Summer Splash party, complete with children’s activities and a DJ.

Rain showers sent children and their parents fleeing for cover under the colorful canopies Wednesday afternoon at the East Lansing Family Aquatic Center, but after the sun came out less than five minutes later, the celebrations continued.

The 2010 Summer Splash took place Wednesday to mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of the aquatic center, 6400 Abbot Road. The East Lansing Fire Department, along with East Lansing Mayor Vic Loomis, were at the scene and participated in the annual cake cutting ceremony and an interactive poolside presentation on fire prevention and safety from the fire department.

The day is an invitation for families and friends to come together on a day of celebration in East Lansing, Loomis said.

“It’s a tradition for the aquatic center and for families during the summer to have the event fall in the middle the summer and have all these events for the families and kids,” he said.

With an annual belly flop contest, sand castle building contest, snacks, door prizes and various other activities, the park provides entertainment for the entire family, Loomis said.

“It’s a fun event, it gives the kids and the families things to do and in the middle of the week and in the middle of the summer,” he said. “With the economy a little tough these days, families aren’t taking quite the vacations that they have in the past, (like) maybe getting out of town as frequently as they once did, and this is an opportunity for families to come out and enjoy the water and swimming type activities and play type activities.”

The array of games and activities were a token of appreciation to the customers who regularly attend the park, said Tim McCaffrey, the director of the East Lansing Department of Parks, Recreation and Arts.

“It’s really a ‘thank you’ to all the patrons that come out to the park on a regular basis and just give them an opportunity to do something a little different in the park — participate in games and sidewalk chalk and sand castle building and we have the belly flop contest,” McCaffrey said. “It’s just a ‘thank you’ to all the patrons. We have done it every year for 10 years now.”

Twelve-year-old Grand Ledge, Mich., resident Sara Evans was at the event with her family and said she was having a relaxing day at the park with the many forms of entertainment.

“I think it’s fun, they actually gave everyone cake, and so that was nice that everyone got to get cake,” Evans said. “And (we) got to (go) swimming, so it’s been a good day so far.”

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