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Construction to continue in E.L.

June 23, 2010

Two construction projects in downtown East Lansing will continue throughout much of the summer.

Construction on the Division Street Parking Ramp, or Colorful Parking Ramp, began Monday and will include replacement of the steel stairwells, re-pouring of concrete and improvements to the window sealants.

The construction is on two of the three stairwells in the garage. During the construction, all patrons will be asked to use the south stairwell, located directly behind the Student Book Store, 421 E. Grand River Ave. Construction will continue until August.

Construction also will continue outside the East Lansing Marriott at University Place east plaza.

Due to the project, portions of sidewalks along Albert Avenue and Charles Street will remain closed for replacement work.

Construction is likely to last until the end of June.

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