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August weather arrives in May

May 24, 2010

Students give their tips on how to stay cool during hot summer days.

Skies will be sunny during this week of unusually warm weather, but many MSU students are not complaining.

Reaching a high of 83 degrees Monday, Michigan has rarely had weather this warm this early in the year, said Andy Provenzano, a meteorologist for WILX Channel 10 in Lansing.

“The last time we reached temperatures this high was in the middle of August last year — it was 85 degrees,” Provenzano said. “It’s typical summer weather, but it just came a little early this year.”
The weather from Tuesday through Thursday will be muggy and humid, with temperatures reaching in the high 80s, Provenzano said.

With a chance of storms on Thursday, the air might cool, promising a more comfortable weekend with temperatures ranging in the high 70s and lower 80s for an enjoyable holiday, he said.

“I wonder what August is going to be like, if it’s already this hot,” food science junior Poorni Menon said. “I got a really good tan yesterday. I called a friend to sneak me into his apartment pool, put on some suntan lotion and jumped in the pool.”

Staying away from the convenience of air conditioning and taking advantage of the weather, finance junior Ben Lundquist said he walked from his apartment complex off campus to the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety for a bike permit, then for ice cream at the Union and to La Bodega on Grand River Ave. to help his girlfriend shop.

“We could have ridden bikes, but it’s so nice out,” Lundquist said. “Last year was a really mild summer, but I feel like we’re due for a hot one.”

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