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Esch's letter overly critical

The recent letter to the editor, 2010 column riddled with errors and inaccuracies (SN 1/14), was the most hate-filled letter I have ever read in a newspaper. The author of the letter, Jaym Esch, just rails on the author of the article for some small mistakes. All Esch is trying to establish in his letter is that he is in fact smarter than the writer, and I have no idea why.

And then he goes on to rip on the editor of the paper who probably does more work every day on the newspaper than Esch does in what I can only assume is his job as a Wal-Mart door greeter. I seriously cannot believe that this person went to MSU and I am ashamed that he is an alumnus.

Actually, arrogance that deep can only come from the University of Michigan. You’re a Spartan? Nice try, Esch.

David Switzer

hospitality business senior

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