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Word on the street

November 9, 2009

Given the current flu situation, should MSU be more lenient with its attendance policy?

“Well, I really think that it should be relatively lenient. My sister was down with swine flu for a week. She was stuck in bed and absolutely devastatingly sick. If I was a teacher I would make sure I gave them ample time pertinent to whatever project it is — there’s got to be a time for it, there can’t be a strict deadline. Not with swine flu, it sucks.”

Chad Jobin

first-year law student

“I think it’s pretty fair. It’s not that hard to go to Olin, usually you can get a note and get an appointment the next day. I think there should be a time span of a certain amount of days you’re allowed to grab a note and bring it into class if you have to miss and you can’t get an appointment. Otherwise anyone can miss an exam or a quiz if they don’t want to go.”

Stephanie Simowski

zoology junior

“When kids get sick and it seems like they’re not going to be able to miss classes without getting in trouble they’re going to come in sick, which is probably causing easier spread of actual disease.

I had a doctor’s note, I went to Olin (and) most of my teachers were cool with it. They all asked for a doctor’s note. There’s no way I could have done it without a doctor’s note.”

Christian Gouin-Davis

chemical engineering freshman

“I missed a week of school and none of my teachers had any problem with it. I just e-mailed them and they just gave me all the work. I just e-mailed them (and) they were all fine about it. They just told me to get better and come in when I wasn’t sick anymore.”

Erin Russo

social work junior

“Three weeks ago I had the flu and they told me I couldn’t go to classes. I was very contagious at the time and couldn’t go to any classes. After e-mailing them and telling them the whole situation, they weren’t lenient at all knowing that you’re too contagious to go to class. I missed a lot of in-class points.”

Briana Von Behren

hospitality business junior

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