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Olin official responds to editorial board claims

It was disappointing to read the State News editorial Olin should give doctor’s note to sick students. In addition to the misinformed jabs the editorial staff took at Olin in general, it was dismaying that this entire editorial was predicated on a misunderstanding of the university’s stance on medical excuses. I would strongly recommend that the editorial staff review the MSU H1N1 FAQ site at

The influenza-like illness, or ILI, that is very common this fall is highly contagious and does not, in most cases, require medical care. Professors have been asked by the university to keep this in mind when students miss class because of it.

An ILI fact sheet is available on the Olin Web page to print out at, and also is available at our customer service desk for students to share with their professor when seeking assistance for time missed due to illness.

It is clear the editorial staff does not have an understanding of what truly is necessary for an “excuse” to be written and how it impacts a very busy medical office.

Olin Student Health Center typically saw more than 200 patients each day in our medical clinics during the month of October. Our staff has been working long hours to ensure that we are providing care and treatment to as many ill students as possible. Our system is efficient and we care deeply about the health and welfare of MSU students. To claim we would put students in harm’s way by not providing an “excuse” is an affront to our dedicated, highly qualified staff of medical providers, nursing staff, health educators and support staff.

For the record, students do not stand in line to be seen at Olin. We operate on an appointment basis to prevent the two to three hour waits that can occur with a walk-in system.

The Olin Student Health Center excuse policy has been posted on both the Olin Web site and the University Ombudsman Web site for several years. Our policy is consistent with the policies of many peer institutions.

To write an “excuse,” a provider is confirming that a patient was ill and he or she requires time out of the classroom. During the course of the year we have many students wanting to come in for an excuse after their illness is gone. We cannot, after the fact, confirm that someone has been ill. It would be unethical to do so.

We do provide documentation for a patient when serious medical issues will require a student to miss several days of class.

Kathi Braunlich
communications and planning coordinator, Olin Health Center

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