Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Students would benefit from break

Lauren Wood

I know it is a little preposterous of me, but I want a fall break. There is no way for this to magically happen and I know it probably won’t, but there have to be students out there who agree with me.

Administration, will you please just give us a day or two off school? I would really appreciate it.

College is challenging, yes. It is all about our education — it’s the reason we are here in the first place. During the academic year, we are allotted certain times off throughout the semesters. I really enjoy the time we have off, such as our Thanksgiving, winter and spring breaks.

These are times to unwind and do things that usually take a back seat during our busy semesters. For me, these are things like reading, hanging out with friends or catching up on “The Office.”

One Monday off is all I ask. Two days would be nice, but we should get used to what will be the norm for many after graduation. I wish I always could have a week off in March, but I know that isn’t the case.

It’s not that I feel that as students we are entitled to another break. I just think it would be beneficial campuswide. We currently are experiencing a mid-semester slump. Midterms, projects and papers are bogging everyone down, and the general mood seems to be pretty blah.

The rainy and cloudy weather is not helping, either. Instead of being productive, I know all I want to do is curl up in my bed and take a nap. Despite this, I am trekking across campus to class and staying up late to finish homework like I should be. Usually.

Sometimes I slip up. The absence of a university-scheduled break during this time of year causes some people to create their own form of a break. This results in skipping class and procrastinating on homework. It’s like a vicious cycle, because it just sets you further back than you already were, and then other things are neglected as you try to catch up.

On the academic calendar, last week was the official middle of the semester, and every class loaded up on the work. One friend I know had four tests throughout the week, while another had three tests in one day.

How does one go about finding time to study for three different tests on one day, and still be able to perform your normal day-to-day activities?

One of the reasons I would like to see a fall break implemented here would be the opportunity to catch up on schoolwork and make sure I am still on track with everything. It would be great to refocus and regain the momentum I have lost over the past few weeks.

I think finals week is easier to plow through because I know I have a month off afterward. Midterms are different because after the week is over, more tests and papers pop up shortly after. Breaks give me something to look forward to.

Another important reason would be for everyone’s health. When you have to study for multiple exams, or cram for one, you are losing sleep. If this is continued in the span of a week, something has to take its toll.

My roommate had to pull two all-nighters this week, and has had to catch up on sleep, or “binge sleeping” as I like to call it. Ironically, the less you sleep, the more it affects your concentration and problem solving abilities.

Caffeine has become a popular choice when trying to fight off sleep. It just leads to anxiety and irritability, and you crash after a while, requiring more to stay awake. An even worse alternative is misusing drugs like Adderall, and taking them to “focus” while studying.

A study done by University of Michigan researchers found that more than 9 percent of the people they surveyed have taken some form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication such as Adderall without a prescription, and it is becoming more popular. It also is linked to leading to other drug use, and easily can lead to abuse and dependence.

In short, a fall break around midterms could benefit the mental and physical health of students on campus. People could catch up on sleep without missing their 8 a.m. because they had to study late for their other class the night before. There might be fewer coughs and runny noses. Who knows, maybe Sparty’s will report a decrease in Monster Energy drink sales for those two days! I’m being optimistic, but I think you get the point.

Here is an idea: After the shortening of Welcome Week this year, we started on a Wednesday. What if we started on a Monday and had those two days off later in the semester, instead of right at the beginning?

How about next week?

Lauren Wood is a State News guest columnist and journalism junior. Reach her at

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